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What is Quantum Healing & what is Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH)?

"Quantum Healing is accessing your own internal wisdom and healing potential through consciousness exploration with the assistance of a QH facilitator" (Craw-Goldman). Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) is a heart-centered, service to others, modality that entails deep subconscious exploration and journeying, where elements of hypnosis and past life regression are used. BQH provides a flexible and versatile framework, that centers on intention and consciousness development. This modality offers the flexibility of virtual sessions online, and it allows for practitioners to incorporate skills from their other practiced modalities, for maximum effectiveness. Read the details about my BQH past life regression sessions online HERE.

How do your Past Life Regression BQH Sessions Online work?

My Past Life Regression BQH Sessions Online can also be described as virtual deep guided meditations, trance meditations, hypnosis, energy work, subconscious reprogramming, astral travel/astral projection, or dreamwork, and they're conducted via video chat on Zoom. During the guided session journey, you lay back, relax, and close your eyes, as you listen to the sound of my voice for approximately 20-25 minutes. I guide you into a deep meditative state via verbal prompts, guided imagery and elements of past life regression/hypnosis, where your brainwaves are slowed and you're able to receive messages from your subconscious. In this dreamlike state, you'll obtain guidance from your Higher Self for personal and/or spiritual growth and healing. Your Higher Self can be considered that subconscious part of you that's the Divine spark and that has more knowledge about you and your life plan than your more "everyday" or "temporal" self). Your consciousness shows you what's most relevant and beneficial to your current life, to help you with what you're experiencing right now.


You'll bring 5-8+ questions to the session that you'd like to ask your subconscious & Higher Self during the journey. When you're in this deeply connected state, I'm able to ask these questions to your subconscious mind. Your Highest Self will deliver responses to you in the form of dreamlike visions, images, inner knowings, gut instincts, feelings, sensations, symbols, colors, words, numbers, sounds & more. You'll describe what you experience & I'll ask you further questions to gain as much helpful knowledge & insights for you as possible. The idea is to provide you with as much helpful information as possible for you to integrate into your current lifetime, for optimal healing, growth, and transformation.

What is the format of your Past Life Regression BQH Sessions Online?

My Past Life Regression BQH Sessions Online last for approximately 3.5 hours, which include:

  1. Pre-session Conversation, Prep and Intention Setting - We discuss your background and anything that you'd like before your journey. We review all questions, set an intention based on your session goals and then do a relaxation exercise.

  2. BQH Session Journey - The deep meditative consciousness exploration and journey. Experiences are explored from past/present/future/parallel lives and more. We connect with your subconscious and Higher Self to answer your session questions and complete energy work. Your journey is recorded for you and kept private.

  3. Review - A brief review of your journey and grounding.

What are reasons to have a Past Life Regression BQH Session? Are BQH Sessions right for me?

Do you only offer online virtual BQH sessions?

Yes, I'm ONLY offering online sessions conducted via video chat at this time (no in-person sessions). Learn more and book an online BQH past life regression session HERE.

How are online virtual BQH sessions different than in-person BQH sessions?

There are very few differences between my online and in-person BQH sessions. In both in-person and virtual BQH sessions, you use headphones to listen to the sound of my voice as I guide you through the quantum journey. I've found that my clients are able to connect so very deeply with virtual sessions, as they allow for the experience to occur in the comfort of your home, in your own relaxed environment (conducted via video chat). I'm only offering virtual BQH sessions online at this time (no in-person sessions). 

What's the difference between your Past Life Regression BQH Sessions & your Intuitive Coaching Sessions?

My online Past Life Regression BQH Sessions and my online Intuitive Coaching Sessions are two different types of sessions. My Past Life Regression BQH Sessions are approximately 3.5 hours long, while my Intuitive Coaching Sessions are approximately 1 hour long. Read the details about my Past Life Regression BQH Sessions HERE and read the details about my Intuitive Coaching Sessions HERE.

I noticed that your Past Life Regression BQH Session Online is 3.5 hours long, why is this?

My Past Life Regression BQH Sessions online last for approximately 3.5 hours, which include:

  1. Pre-session Conversation, Prep and Intention Setting - We discuss your background and anything that you'd like before your journey. We review all questions, set an intention based on your session goals and then do a relaxation exercise.

  2. BQH Session Journey - The deep meditative consciousness exploration and journey. Experiences are explored from past/present/future/parallel lives and more. We connect with your subconscious and Higher Self to answer your session questions and complete energy work. Your journey is recorded for you and kept private.

  3. Review - A brief review of your journey and grounding.

How do I prepare for my online BQH Past Life Regression Session?

There are countless reasons why you would want to have a Past Life Regression BQH Session. One main reason is that within these sessions, we are able to address any challenges or subconscious blocks that may be holding you back, and get direct knowledge from your subconscious mind and Higher Self on how to proceed forward in the most beneficial way. Some other common reasons to have a BQH session are for guidance and clarity on any of the following:

  • Health and emotional concerns

  • Life mission and soul purpose

  • Career and life changes

  • Relationship concerns

  • Past life remembrance and healing

  • Higher Self and spirit guide connection and guidance

  • Soul origin information

  • Dream work (i.e. reoccurring dreams and dream meanings)

  • Cosmic, ET, and ufo encounters and star origins

  • Other esoteric or life mystery questions (i.e. paranormal encounters)

Learn more about my online BQH past life regression sessions HERE, and learn more about my intuitive coaching sessions HERE. I also offer consultation calls, in which you can chat with me directly before scheduling a session to see if they're right for you. Book a consultation call HERE.

Once your session is scheduled, you'll receive an in-depth email with ALL of the preparation info you'll need. Please read ALL of the email attachments FULLY before your session. Be sure to do the following as well:

  • Fill out the Client Intake Form and email it to me

  • Prepare a list of 5-8+ session questions to ask your Higher Self , and email them to me (more detailed info is within the prep document)

  • Light exercise or movement before your session

  • Light meal or snack before your session – bring water and food/snacks to your session

  • Limit caffeine – DO NOT ELIMINATE if a regular coffee or tea drinker, just limit

  • DO NOT consume alcohol or caffeine the night before

  • Clear out your entire day for your session (as much as possible) – it's generally not a good idea to have additional appointments after your session or plan a long drive ahead of you, unless you are in the passenger's seat

  • Prepare a sacred and peaceful space for you to experience your session. You’ll want to be reclining and absolutely comfortable. Make sure that you will not be disturbed at all during your session. Turn off your phone and all alerts/alarms. For details on how to create sacred space for your session, click HERE.

  • Technical Info:

    • *Wire headphones with an attached microphone required* – this is VERY important! NO WIRELESS HEADPHONES! Make sure to bring your headset or headphones with a cord & that they work with the device you'll be using.

    • Download and familiarize yourself with Zoom and ALL of your equipment prior to the session.

    • Have your video streaming device (laptop, iPad, etc.) fully charged and plugged into a wall charger during your session.

    • Your session recording will be sent to you via email. Session recordings are not kept forever. Download, save, and backup your session recording file immediately!

It's entirely up to you to decide how much you want to prepare for your BQH session. Most importantly, trust the process, yourself, and show up. My clients benefit greatly from preparing by learning to quiet their minds, reading helpful articles to debunk myths + provide relevant info (links are included in prep email document), and by listening to pre-recorded regressions and meditating. A daily meditation practice is a wonderful and very helpful way to prepare for these sessions.

What do I need to do AFTER my BQH session?

After your session, be sure to fully ground yourself, eat something, drink water, relax, and integrate for the rest of the day (we will also go over this during the grounding portion of your session). Please reach out to me with any questions. I also offer session follow up integration calls HERE.

What are all of the online services that you offer?

I offer online BQH past Life regression sessions, online intuitive coaching sessions, online consultation calls, and session follow up integration calls as well. You can find all of my available online services HERE.

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